samedi, janvier 13, 2007

Miaoouu a dit le chat effrayant

4 commentaires:

jana a dit…

everybody wants to be a cat dadadadaa

Hého Cécilia are you still there?
it's always the wind who's blowing!

Mademoiselle Cécilia a dit…

I am, thank you Le Desir *in my mind it is always with a capital D :)), I am soo lazy that I leave all to my web master and best friend....
It is soooooo good when u got someone like that.

jana a dit…

ahahaha! mon dieu!

Dirty envoloppes, here they come!

Anonyme a dit…

Yes, please! I just heard on the radion that the brown is a new black. If you understand what I am saying. Because sometimes I don't. Anyway, once a fashion victim always a fashion victim!

I have to go to sleep now! I have some dirty jobs to do tomorrow, oh look damn it is already tomorrow - I mean today!


(if you heard a noise, that was me falling into a sleep!)